What Is A Still Frame Story
One of the requirements you may see in your Instagram Campaign is something called a still-frame photo story. This is unique and we often are asked the question of why and what is this? The reason we ask for this requirement is that we would love to boost your content. If you follow these guidelines you are more likely to be selected for a boost of your story. When you are selected, Social Fabric will pay to boost your story and as a result, YOU get more engagement and views! This is a nice perk of being a part of our campaigns. We want to promote you. Instagram has unique requirements and therefore we have laid out these guidelines to help support you.
- The product should be clearly shown
- Tell a story if you can through your image.
- It SHOULD Limit text. Let your image tell a story.
- It SHOULD Include your required disclosure AD (No hashtag before)
- It should NOT include GIFs, emojis, music, links, polls, stickers, or anything animated or interactive
- It SHOULD NOT have a frame on the image that turns it into a video file
- It should NOT tag anyone in the post
- It should NOT have any hashtags
- It SHOULD use the Paid Partnership to tag SoFabFood or SoFabLife (or the Brand Partner if your Instructions call for your to do so)

How to create this still frame story image:
- What is a static image?
- It is an image that follows all of the above instructions
- Do I still need to include ad?
- Yes, include AD without a hashtag (AD)
- Can I have a sticker?
- No stickers on this image
- Can I add a frame on the image that turns it into a video file?
- No, please do not add anything that turns this into a movie or animated file.
- I thought I needed to tag the brand on all frames?
- Only if your CM and instructions have instructed you to do so. Otherwise, do not tag them in this frame.
- I thought I am supposed to include the hashtag on all the frames?
- You will simply put AD without a hashtag on this image.
- Do I put the link on this frame?
- No, do not add a link or anything interactive on this frame.
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